Little Academy Nursery is committed to providing a supportive environment for all children. However, if it becomes clear that your child requires specialized learning or behavioral support that exceeds our capacity, or if they display needs that we are unable to accommodate, the nursery reserves the right to discontinue their enrollment to ensure the well-being and development of all children in our care.
I've read the above & agree
*I confirm that my provided email(s), phone number(s), and emergency contact details are accurate and complete. I understand that it is my responsibility to regularly check my emails and respond to phone calls from the Nursery.
In instances where a child has a fever (38°C or above), the nursery will make every effort to contact the parents before administering paracetamol. If the parents or emergency contact(s) cannot be reached, your signature below grants authorization for the nursery to administer paracetamol, if necessary.
Yes, I authorize Little Academy Nursery to administer Paracetamol for my child.
As the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the registered child, a minor, we authorize Little Academy Nursery to consent to any diagnostic procedure or medical care deemed advisable by a licensed physician or surgeon.
This authorization is given in advance for any required treatment and grants authority to our agent(s) to consent to any diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care a physician deems necessary. Parents are solely responsible for all medical and transport expenses to the medical facility. This authorization remains effective until the child is withdrawn from Little Academy Nursery or revoked in writing and delivered to the agent(s).
While the nursery is child-proofed and children are well supervised, accidents may occur. We, the undersigned, assume all risks of injury or harm to our child associated with their participation in the nursery. We release, indemnify, defend, and discharge Little Academy Nursery and its staff, employees, and agents from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions, and causes of action regarding injury, death, loss, or damage to the child or caused by the child, arising during the child's participation in the nursery. We also waive and release any rights and claims for damages against Little Academy Nursery and its representatives for any injuries suffered by our child during drop-off and pick-up.
I hereby grant and authorize undefined the right to take, edit, copy, publish, distribute and make use of any and all pictures or video taken of my child(ren) to be used in and/or for legally promotional materials and digital communications. This authorization shall continue indefinitely, unless I otherwise revoke said authorization in writing. I understand and agree that these materials shall become the property of Little Academy Nursery and will not be returned.
By enrolling your child into Little Academy Nursery, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to abide by all Little Academy Nursery policies and Procedures and by all sections of this application. Little Academy Nursery reserves the right to change its fees, terms, conditions and policies at any time and without prior notices.